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ORDINANCE No. 2025-01: Amend Membership of Sustainability Commission
ORDINANCE No. 2025-02: Amend Animal Control

ORDINANCE No.  2024-01: Airport Safety Zones Zoning Map Amendment
ORDINANCE No.  2024-02: Prohibition of Cannabis Products in Public Spaces
ORDINANCE No. 2024-03: Amending Town Center Panned Development at 5240 West Broadway
ORDINANCE No. 2024-04: Amending Unified Development Code Regarding Cannabis Businesses, Liquor and Tobacco Sales
ORDINANCE No. 2024-05: Amending License and Imposing Regulations on Edible Cannabinoid Product Sales
ORDINANCE No. 2024-06: Amending the Zoning Map to Rezone Property from R-1 to R2-PD.
ORDINANCE No. 2024-07: Change EQC name to the Sustainability Commission.
ORDINANCE No. 2024-08: Amending the Unified Development Code Regarding Cannabis Businesses.
ORDINANCE No. 2024-09: Adding Temporary Cannabis Events to Regulations for Special Events.
ORDINANCE No. 2024-10: Establishing Cannabis and Hemp Businesses Regulations.

ORDINANCE No. 2023 – 01: Amending Zoning Map to Rezone Property (R-2 to R2-PD).
ORDINANCE No. 2023 – 03: Authorizing a study and imposing a moratorium on the operation of cannabis businesses.
ORDINANCE No. 2023 – 05: Requiring a License and Imposing Regulations on the Retail Sale of Edible Cannabinoid Products.
ORDINANCE No. 2023 – 06: Interim ordinance prohibiting the use of cannabis products in public places.

ORDINANCE No. 2202 – 02: Amending Zoning Map to Rezone Property
ORDINANCE No. 2202 – 03: Ordinance Establishing Inclusion and Diversity Commission.
ORDINANCE No. 2202 – 04: Interim Ordinance Authorizing Study and Moratorium on Cannabis Product Sales.
ORDINANCE No. 2022 - 05: Rezoning Property for Crystal Housing Group.

Appendix I - Crystal Airport Zoning Ordinance
Appendix II - Administrative Code
Appendix III - Blank
Appendix IV - Fee Schedule
Appendix V - Personnel rules and regulations
Appendix VI - Plates

EDITORIAL NOTE: This code has been prepared pursuant to authorization by the Crystal city council under the authority of the city charter, section 3.11, Minnesota Statutes, sections 415.02, 415.021, and 599.13. It may be referred to and cited as "The Crystal City Code of 1994", or "The Crystal City Code." The code is a revision, rearrangement, re-codification and re-enactment of the previous city code of 1973 and all previous ordinances of the city except for certain ordinances of special application. The 1973 code has been re-arranged under functional headings and organized under a decimal numbering system for chapters, sections, subsections and subdivisions. The new code contains a system for the integration of new ordinance in a way that will provide continuous up-dating of its provisions. A table of contents designed for quick, accurate access to the code is included. Revisions of a minor nature to remove obsolete provisions have been made and some new provisions not previously enacted have been added. Ordinances formerly of record but not included herein which have not been specifically repealed are still in effect and in full accord with the code. General provisions applicable to all sections of the code have been collected in Chapter I, and whenever possible and desirable, provisions of state law and state rules and regulations have been adopted by reference. These techniques avoid unnecessary duplication of material and make the code a more usable document. The annual license and permit fees resolution, certain administrative resolutions, and ordinances of a transitory nature or of limited application are not included herein but are contained in separate appendices to the code.

470 U.S. Bank Plaza
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402

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